What's this about? I can't be arsed reading 100 posts.
I advocate world peace.
I advocate world peace.
Originally posted by cookiemonster
I advocate world peace.
That's something that Stebbo keeps pointing out whenever we have this discussion. However, I was using the green pen tweak (and hearing it work) in the late 80s, some time before any of the audio newsgroups existed. And I'm not the only one so that little story can be well and truly kicked into touch.Originally posted by notaclue
A search on Google groups reveals plenty on the green pen. Indeed, a number of threads do indicate that it was a hoax which actually started on the audio newsgroups.
Originally posted by zanash
I see nobody has answer the why green question.... Well nature has this solved in that most all plants are green and why I hear you ask, so as to absorb the near infra red light they us to fix carbon dioxide to starch. Just look up any treatise on photosynthesis. The way you can cheque this is to look at green object using a red light and see what colour the reflected light is....the object will look black as there is no reflected light. The green pigment will absorb the red light. In white light a leaf looks green because the red light is removed from the reflected white spectrum. Black will do a similar job but black absorbs all the spectrum.
Originally posted by merlin
Oh now come on Tones. People using simple science in evaluating soundquality (or PUSSIES for short) really need to get out there and use their ears.
Originally posted by Robbo
Just a thought, Teac have recently launched the no holds barred Esoteric CD mechanism. I wonder why they felt the need to coat the outside of the VRDS mechanism in green paint? Surely multinational electronics companies dont just do these kinds of things for the fun of it as it must have significantly increased manufacturing costs. There must be a technological/sound quality reason behind it.
I'm well aware the usenet groups have existed in some form or other since the early days of the net allthough I'm not quite sure when they started. However, they were almost exclusively limited to science, education and computer topics. I don't know for a fact but I'd be amazed if any of the rec.audio tree existed then.Originally posted by stebbo
The groups you talk about existed well before the late 80's just in a difference format. They tended to be based on University servers on the NSFNET.
I am sure you are aware that the NSFNET was an original part of what has turned out to be the 'net.
Oh but I can tell the difference - the LP makes crackles and pops and the CD doesn't - dead giveaway...Originally posted by merlin
Oh now come on Tones. People using simple science in evaluating soundquality (or PUSSIES for short) really need to get out there and use their ears.
Although I accept, given your inabilitiy to tell your LP12 and CD player apart, you may be somewhat disadvantaged in this area.
Oh come on Robbo! That has to be one of the most naive statements I've ever read on my time on forums. Have you ever heard of the term "commercialism"? There are other products or transports out there that don't have green or even purple paint anywhere and they play superbly so what exactly are you saying? That just because Wadia/Teac have used the colour green on their transport mechanism therefore there must be some validity to the theory of the green pen/ink? You boys are just too trusting or let me guess, you've studied the lab test results. Dear, dear!
You know, at this rate, I am now seriously contemplating entering the audio field with some snake-oil product or even my own brand of cables as there is so much money to be made from the suckers out there masquerading as audiophiles.
To be fair Neil, I think Lawrie does at least perform some kind of listening test, although these are compromised at best.
If he really wanted to do the "blind thing", he would allow changes to the sytem without any idea of the products being tested. Then he might get more of an idea once his internal predjustices had been bypassed.
Originally posted by michaelab
Anyhow, the whole "it started as a joke" line is totally irrelevant as to whether it works or not.
I'm not saying I know how it works and I believe the manufacturers don't know either. Putting the pseudo science about reflections in the literature is something I think they feel they have to do because the alternative would be "we don't know how it works, but it does".Originally posted by stebbo
ALL of these scams totally ignore the fact that the entire pickup system is immune to alledged problems these toys are supposed to correct. The laser reading is done by coherent interference and DOES NOT depend upon reflection, as the people who make these things claim.
So apart from all that I am still interested why you have to use the £20 version rather than the £0.99 version of the pen.