Originally posted by merlin
To be fair Neil, I think Lawrie does at least perform some kind of listening test, although these are compromised at best.
If he really wanted to do the "blind thing", he would allow changes to the sytem without any idea of the products being tested. Then he might get more of an idea once his internal predjustices had been bypassed.
My posts may not be the most rivetting to read but I would suggest you make an attempt to read them properly before posting the above. I select all the products based on sighted listening tests in dealer showrooms. Once at my house however, the setting up of the listening area and switching of components are conducted by friends and when I walk into my listening room, I am not aware which component is playing as I cannot see any components. All I have to do is listen with my ears not my eyes and make notes accordingly. Yes, my method may be compromised by laboratory standards but at least I am able to satisfy myself that my choice, when or if made, would be based on what I heard not some flashing blue lights etc that I saw. This also ensures longevity of the components that I buy as I tend to keep components for many years rather than for just a few weeks or for one month at a time like many people on this board.
As to why ZeroGainers are so reluctant to undertake blind tests even amongst themselves I can only to put down to fear of what they might discover. But yet it is okay to plot graphs to determine sound quality. Is it any wonder the high-end is so full of mediocre sounding components.

Still it's your money.
Originally posted by Robbo
Yes, Lawrie has made me well aware of his listening tests. He was accusing me of buying decisions based on measurements and marketing which is nonsense and so I was just trying to rebut his accusations.
He'll still lose money by the bucketload if he buys new though. But I suppose if you have money to burn........
Admit it - you get turned on by measurements. Btw, what do you do for a living because it could have a bearing on your love for measurements. As to whether I make or lose money on hifi components it is for me to worry about isn't it? Anyway, since you so kindly asked, I'll oblidge - my TT, amp and speakers were new, and my transport & DAC, tuner, rack and all cables were second hand/ex dealer demos. Considering I do not turrnover or change my components like many audiophiles on this forum, and that I intend to hold on to my present components for many years to come, how exactly how am I losing money? Also, when you factor that I am able to get many brand new audio components at well less than dealer retail prices and sometimes even at the same prices or even less than second hand prices e.g Wadia 861, Chord DAC64, Ayre CX-7 etc, etc (the list is endless) then ask yourself, how can this guy lose money? As a music lover, I buy my components to enjoy music not to display them as trophies. If the latter was my aim, then using my contacts, I would be using much more high-end components, but the truth is that many so-called high-end components offer poor sound for the money and you will only find this out when you listen with your ears. To hear music is not the same as to listen to music and as much as I hate to say it, many audiophiles such as yourself only hear the music.

It could explain the constant and never-ending need to upgrade as we witness day-in and day-out on this forum. Having said that, when I do get the bug to change my speakers, I will delving into the wonderful world of electrostatics but that's several years down the line.
Enjoy the music,