I put a Eupen on my 64 tonite, and I couldn't hear a difference either, but then they all sound the same to me
I'll be honest here, The eupen (smaller) is better on digital than amps (although on SMPS I dunno) , the bigger one (green/white) just screws the timing up, bloats the bass, room interaction probs etc
I don't dis believe Mike at all
I also have here a silly money power chord, and it makes a RG style difference on all my system, However so does another one here about 1/12 the price, prehaps mike you should try a z/sleeve on a stock power chord, and report back.
It's really odd this mains thing, we have a very specialist mains regeneration unit at work (weighs about 3/4 of a tonne, about the size of a mini), that feeds very sensitive instrumention test rigs with ultra pure and uncontaminated juice (I've surconded it), fully programable (pc controlled), it has 4 totally seperate outputs, each has a range of 50<>600V single to 3 phase and upto 10Kva, It can programme/simulate ANY mains pattern I choose,From pure to UK next to a sub station stylee interferance (great for testing all form of power equipment including mains cables and their effects).
We can take ANY power chord you care to mention, analylise it the input/output patterns, and repilcate it's end output if you like, I wonder if they sound any different

. This of coarse means nothing, it's purely a post based on my say so, nothing more
Maybe Mike has better mains in Portugal than we do here (thats not hard, over the last 18 months we have measured voltage extremes from 215.4 to 255v, the UK limit is 230+/- 10%, voltage isn't the only artificats we measured that has an effect, thought it shows that as all your hifi's run from the mains it' may be the single most influenical thing *maybe*), Antonio did report the Belcanto as having 'Thin' mids. (never even something I've experianced, at home or at work or at Robbos' or Grahams)
Either way believe him, in the same way Mr Sukebe *imagines* it helps his sound, Blimey this fence is getting heavy