Originally posted by Lawrie
... Also, this issue of manufacturers choosing a specific reviewer to review their products is one that I don't get (or is there a good reason for this?). Is it any wonder then, that they are under such pressure with accusations of collusion between them and the manufacturers/distributors? Personally, I think it's about time reviewers/magazines as a whole got their acts together and in case they didn't know it, internet discussion forums are here to stay.
The reasons that manufacturers choose specific reviewers for their products are quite clear and perfectly valid.
I chose Paul Messenger to review my speakers for a number of reasons. He's been in the game a long time, has reviewed hundreds of speakers so he knows what he's talking about. He's got good ears. He's rightly earnt the respect of his peers and the public alike for giving truthful reviews and telling it how he sees it. As far as I know, he can't be bought. In the process of reviewing my speakers (he listened to them for about a month) he was also generous with his suggestions of which areas he believed could be tuned and improved. I like the man.
I have spent many tens of thousands of pounds to get my company and its products where they are today. I have given up my job and sold my house to generate funds. As I have a young family this was a serious decision to make.
Should I then give my speakers to any reviewer at random? Some magazines use new companies' products as lambs to be sacrificed on the alter of 'no advertising spend'. Some reviewers expect to be 'looked after' - I believe that this goes on in many industries and, unfortunately, hi-fi is no exception. Other reviewers are over influenced by whether they like the product designer, manufacturer or distributor on a personal level. Many reviewers don't have the critical faculties to tell the good from the dross anyway.
I have also been approached by several web-based publications who would like to review the products. I always ask what sort of equipment they intend to use with the speakers. Some have told me that they believe that it's not important and any equipment priced over a couple of hundred pounds is good enough and it all sounds similar anyway.
I tell you Lawrie, it's a minefield out there. A manufacturer, especially a new manufacturer, must tread very carefully indeed.
Incidentally, I chose Hi-Fi+, rather than other magazines that Mr. Messenger writes for because it's a high-quality, glossy magazine with cool photos that make good publicity material for
Seventh Veil. Also, I like the smell.