Originally posted by The Devil
Roy hears what he hears. I hear what I hear. You hear what you hear; and so it is.
Hi again. Well do you or do you not hear 'tings' on the RKR Elvis Presley track? It's a straight question, yes or no?
When I wrote the above it was intended to indicate that even if I can't hear them, it doesn't mean they're not there, and if Roy can hear them, it doesn't mean he's trying to dupe anyone.
The only person I know who can hear anything on that track which might be described as a 'ting' is Paul Ranson, and only through his Isobariks - the 'tings' disappeared when he put the Quad electrostatics in instead. This suggests that these 'tings' may in fact be an isobarik problem, and nothing more than that.
That sounds perfectly feasible. The point is, however, I'm not bothered whether I can hear 'tings' or not. Of far more significance/importance to me, is the fact that my system's performance has hugely increased since installing the separate spurs and blank case fuses.
There is a serious point to this. It may well be that multiple spurs are actually a bad thing: Julian Vereker thought so, and there are mutterings on the Naim forum to the same effect. The reason it may be bad is that it appears that there is no common Earth with this arrangement.
I resolved the issue of a common Earth by using a single, dedicated Earth via a series of copper Earth rods plunged into the garden wired together in a 'star-Earth' formation with hi-grade cable. A length of that cable is then fed underground to the CU, and from there, it is then daisy-chained to each individual spur and hard-wired hydra; thus all equipment connected to the hydras share a common Earth from the Earth rods. The difference of doing just that alone is in my opinion easy to hear.
Multiple spurs are expensive things to install, and a whole heap of hassle, too. I can understand that if you've forked out for it and gone through all the hassle, then you might not be too willing to admit to yourself that they were in fact a total waste of time and money.
That's definitely not the case.
To my ears, James, 10mm multiple spurs work, and they work very well indeed.
In my opinion it represents one of the most significant and cost-effective upgrades I have ever experienced, along with Mana. As you're an experienced Mana user, James, you'll be able to appreciate the level of improvement when I state that the effect of using 10mm dedicated multiple spurs, together with a common dedicated Earth, is of a similar magnitude to when installing, say, five Soundstages your complete system will benefit from; however, the nature of the *effect*, compared to Mana, is different.
If you think I'm kidding myself on, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but I assure you that is not the case. The fact of the matter is you'll never know for sure unless you try it yourself.