REL Quake

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AK - dont you just think of the 'Moties' from the mote in gods eye as deformed ewoks? Once I had the image I couldnt shake it!! Not a bad book though.

Julian - you're right about Thomas Covenant. It just went on too long. 'The mirror of her dreams' and the rest of that series by Donaldson is excellent though.

Orson Scott Card is just an outstanding author, and the 'ender' series of books is truly great. I love his stand alone novels too. He is a great storyteller.

Have you tried 'Neverness' by David Zindell? a little hard to get into at first, but just outstanding, like the later books of the ender series for quality.

AK - sorry, I read battlefield earth as funny as in - laughing at it, rather than with it.. It was like the film 'independance day' but ten times worse.
No need to appologise BN we're all different, after all would be a boring forum if we agreed with each other, ya dobber :)

An I always thought of the Moties as a big hairy version of ET with one huge arm.
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Best crap sci-fi? I vote for Babylon 5. It's crap (watch the first few episodes!), but... sooooo goooooood....

No way worse Dunc was "Starfleet" but you may be too young to remeber that, I'm sure Dave does, Music was by Brian May, what alot of shite, I can still remeber a quote from one of the puppets(it was a cross between manga nad Gerry Anderson stuff), any way the heroin was running from the "baddies" in her space ship, and they shot her engine with their "ray gun" the heroin cries, "Oh no! they've shot my engine,....were slowing down? in a vacuum? lota shite
Geez, sci-fi nerds as well as hifi buffs!

You'll be telling us you're single and live with your mother next :rolleyes:
I'm not slagging you off at all Paul, merely pointing out that someone who spends his money on audiophilia and his spare time reading sci-fi and trawling hifi internet forums for the opportunity to wave his willy is unlikely to be fully developed in the social department yet ;)

PS. I don't read scifi :D
Another vote for Blakes 7 as best crap sci-fi. Paul Darrow's monotonal 'acting' was pure class, wobbly sets in the best Crossroads tradition - and I just couldn't get enought of Jenna's sexy boots :shame:

I do feel I didn't get the full experience though - as I still missed out on the universe humming to me. IIRC it's still doing it at B-flat 57 octaves below middle-C. Would getting a Rel Quake do it for me?

Not really got to grips with Pratchett's Discworld stuff - but his non-discworld "Good Omens" has to be just about the funniest book I've ever read. Several pages I had to give up on as the tears rolled down my cheeks.
GrahamN said:
....but 2 out of 3 makes you a fully rounded individual....natch ;)

I think two out of three is still worrying - but at least there is hope ;)
Mr P,

if that is you on that bike in the photo, why not grow old gracefully. I mean dying your hair blonde and combing it forward to cover up the receding hairline is quite sad don't you think :confused:

Still at least you don't have to wear a full face everywhere to cover your ugly mug like Antonio does!
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