REL Quake

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penance said:
With regards to the car, it may be old but at least it was built to do the job intended.

There we go, now old is good... :rolleyes:

The job intended was to sell those cars, as was to sell those bikes, I wonder who did his job better... :JPS:
penance said:
Antonio, it is you who changes to suit your loseing argument.

Antonio will never lose an arguement because he is good at corners and has the dodgy ref on his side.

All we can decide is whether he struggles with the English language or trully is incredibly misguided :confused:
lordsummit said:
So that leaves us with your two wheeled tractor. Is there one aspect of it that can't be bettered by a Japanese bike? No...... Then it will be archaic won't it.

So old technology is no problem, just the one used by Harley, now I see your point, loud and clear... :chunder:
lordsummit said:

Is the Omiga Audio Signwriting confined to the back then :confused:
So old technology is no problem, just the one used by Harley, now I see your point, loud and clear...

Old technology is no problem except when it has been bettered by new technology, most new technology improves convenience over anything else. But in the field of motoring and avionics there have been huge advances. I would liken the comparisam between your bike and Andy's to that of comparing a Spitfire to a Stealth bomber. Now I know which I'd rather be in come the final shoot em up
lordsummit said:
Old technology is no problem except when it has been bettered by new technology, most new technology improves convenience over anything else. But in the field of motoring and avionics there have been huge advances. I would liken the comparisam between your bike and Andy's to that of comparing a Spitfire to a Stealth bomber. Now I know which I'd rather be in come the final shoot em up

Of course, do you remember what was my initial statement...

I do, me and my tweaked Harley could beat an average rider on a street racer, racing a twisty mountain road, you are now arguing about avionics and Stealth bombers, would you be so kind and let me know what is there in common... :confused:
merlin said:
technobear said:
Originally Posted by technobear
Golem! :rolleyes:
dunkyboy said:
What is this! It's GOLLUM, people!

He's a royal PITA that's for sure :mad:
Well now, it depends what merlin meant. When merlin said 'He is my Gollom (sic)', that implied that there are other 'Golloms'. As there is only one 'Gollum', it seemed reasonable to assume that merlin actually meant 'Golem' - an animated personal servant made out of clay.


You caustic whit is a joy to whitness, pure unadultrated myrth in the most rawest of forms, sir you are wasted in hifi, seriously consider a career as a straight man for a Portugese mid life crisis bike riding, "quality" A/V weilding legendry comedian, who literary pro's are giants amonst the average talent such as Shatner "The Captains chair gave me Terainlian piles", Ade Edmonson's stunning masterpiece, "How to be a complete Bastard" and such sublime works as Ben Eltons "I was Maggies Toy boy"
Sir you are one outstanding master of the chuckles :)
lowrider said:
Merlin begging for *****...

At least I can remember what to look for old man and I've got more chance looking like that than you have sitting on that excuse of a bike dressed up like the Portuguese nonce we all know you are :p
Lowrider you appear not to understand what an analogy is. It is when you comapare things in terms of other things, hence your bike is 1940's technology like a Spitfire, Andy's is 2000's technology like a stealth bomber. If you really think over a twisty road you would beat someone on a sports bike you are sadly deluded. You are obviously very stubborn, but I would happily wager money on the outcome if I could find a bookmaker willing to offer odds.
lordsummit said:
I would liken the comparisam between your bike and Andy's to that of comparing a Spitfire to a Stealth bomber. Now I know which I'd rather be in come the final shoot em up
Yep, and having met some of the guys who worked on the software for the Stealth, I know which one I'd rather be in :p

"Sorry Dave, I am unable to engage the target right now as Windows has encountered an unrecoverable error. Please click 'Restart' to begin the attack run again."
Antonio, i am not saying old is good or bad
just that hardleys are crap and you ridiculous statement about beating sports bikes is laughable, or from the mind of someone very detached from reality

Merlin, i think he must be very very misguided indeed.
The blatant ignorance of common sense is testimony to this.
wadia-miester said:
Sir you are one outstanding master of the chuckles :)

Tony, I'm not worthy of such praise coming from the master of the ritten werd himself :notworthy
Mountain Road Race

lowrider said:
me and my tweaked Harley could beat an average rider on a street racer, racing a twisty mountain road

Where and when? There's only one way to end this thread: a mountain road bike race pitching the Harley riding Antonio against penance and merlin riding street racers!
I know who'd win and so does Antonio, that's why he says he hasn't got a bike anymore.
£100 down from me on the street racer. I'll put my money where my mouth is, now will Antonio. Who's gonna ride for the street racers?
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