[Review] Getting animated

For some wally to come on and then post that they can't possibly have heard what they have, how aroggant is that?

Pete, maybe I missed it, but when did anyone do that? As far as I can tell, no one is questioning what people have heard or perceived.
Zanash said
...I have not exaggerated or twisted any of the results

Yet on at least one supportive post that someone wrote explaining what they heard he immediately responds exhorting them to not forget effect XYZ that they had failed to mention.

I also feel the experiment would be more credible if it wasn't preceded by changes in feet, cables etc, all of which, if they change the sound, interfere from the listener's familiarity with their system.
I also fail to understand why Zanash claims Tones is the only negative experience when Markus heard nothing either. (Again in a situation where Zanash was absent).
the unit should be tested both on ,off, and out of the room. It would also be prudent to see if those present can hear the change as well the instramentation logging any changes.

has anyone got a suitable venue ?......

again effem eloquently put ......

what type of gear were you thinking of ?

*GULP* I don't know if I dare say this Zanash . . . . . .

If I may return to the posting in question:

The clues are there though; a closed/sealed room, reports of sinuses being affected and possibly headache inducing effects, the effect on a rising plume of smoke, the low voltage/low current draw, the blue light may have (but not a blue LED) all point to one likely candidate that might be responsible, but then the theory goes unstable when it's said the unit is totally sealed and the sound (not unlike sand) of rattling within the unit when shaken, but that might conceivably be part of a two stage process. The blue LED I don't think is of any consequence beyond indicating that the device is active. Are you sure it is an LED? The device to test my theory costs more than this forum's collective spend on hi-fi toys, so it remains a theory

The sealed room, smoke and sinus irritation aspects do all point strongly towards ozone being responsible. My ex used to work for a company that built ozone machines and their measuring devices had 4 and 5 figure price tags. In the absence of one of those the only affordable instrument to detect ozone is the nose, but if you can actually smell it the dosage is already way too high for sustained human absorption. One of their biggest units could totally sterilise a huge warehouse in 20 minutes.

Ozone generators don't need a high currrent power supply because the corona charge requires high voltage not current to operate. It is usually built with 2 conductive plates seperated by an inert material like glass and low powered washroom ozonators are built onto a single small ceramic chip nowadays. Some units use a mercury vapour tube to generate the corona, hence my question is it is an LED on top.

The lack of any apertures in the box tends to discount that though.
I'm entitled to my own opinion as is everyone else .....it seem some people just don't agree with that.

tony ..
if your going to quote me don't pick and choose and make it seem out of context :-) !

may be you could comment on what the other posters have said as well ...rather than what I've said.

Do you agree with speedy's post for instance .....is he spinning you a line ...is he just a figment of my imagination.

What of his daughter's comments ?

come on ! lets get back to a discussion on the unit and its supposed effects. Its in no ones interest just shout yes it does no it doesn't back and forth.

Look........... I'll say sorry if I've offended anyones sensibilites I've been a bad boy and I'll try not to get to sarcastic and upset those delicate little posters that have run off crying to mummy [metaphorically]
come on ! lets get back to a discussion on the unit and its supposed effects. Its in no ones interest just shout yes it does no it doesn't back and forth.

Look........... I'll say sorry if I've offended anyones sensibilites I've been a bad boy and I'll try not to get to sarcastic and upset those delicate little posters that have run off crying to mummy [metaphorically]

Who said what to whom isn't going to advance the actual debate one bit beyond petty points scoring - never does. Have a strong opinon that's fine and stick to the known facts but do we need to rake it over and over again by cherry picking fractional quotes out of context just for a nominal battle win while the war still rages on?
if your going to quote me don't pick and choose and make it seem out of context :-) !

I'm sorry Pete, but the context was clear ââ'¬â€œ you started by saying you didn't wish to ââ'¬Å"discreditââ'¬Â Tones, and then with barely a pause for breath implied he was both a ââ'¬Å"wallyââ'¬Â and ââ'¬Å"arrogantââ'¬Â. There is nothing else that can be read into that wording. I honestly can't think of anyone less deserving of such comments in ZG's entire 3577 member userbase.

I don't disbelieve either those who say they can hear an effect with this device, or those who say they cannot hear an effect. By the same token, I don't disbelieve people who say that Marmite tastes delicious any more than I disbelieve those who say it tastes horrible.
I'm with you on that....

but if you had not tasted marmite and then said you loved the sweetness ? that would be at the very least inaccurate if not a complete obfuscation of reality. Thats not to say people who have not tasted marmite can't comment ...but it would be nice of them to say " I've not tasted marmite but it looks like it should taste like dark chocolate spread" those in the know would be able share a wry knowing smile.

I'll let you draw your own analogy !

gosh that four posts ...without causing upset maybe
I'm with you on that....

but if you had not tasted marmite and then said you loved the sweetness ? that would be at the very least inaccurate.

Well yes. What would be equally inaccurate would be someone saying that if I didn't like the taste of Marmite, it was only because I had disregarded the manufacturer's instructions; had I followed those to the letter, I'd have found Marmite to be jolly tasty.

This is all about subjective impressions; what some people perceive will inevitably be different from what other people perceive. I just don't understand why some people are getting their knickers in a twist about it.
tony ...and the questions I asked you ?

I have not accused anyone of anything – there is no logical problem with someone perceiving a change and someone else not. These states are not mutually exclusive.

I would personally still like a proper definition of what the device is and how it works (or doesn't) both in theory and practice, but that is not your issue - that is for Phonosophie to address.

sorry effem....missed the comments ...

the led is in the middle of the top of the unit [you can just see it on the my photos] a better pic is here


Could be ...though I'm familiar with the smell of ozone

some of the symptoms appear similar ....thought

would an ozone device require an outlet ? the unit appears tightly sealed.

I have had plenty of contact with ozone from being in TV repairs for a number of years and a pinhole in a tripler gives plenty of that ;) The room can be full of low level ozone though and you wouldn't know it was by smell.

An ozone generator does need air circulation through it though to disperse the ozone otherwise I would have thought there is no point in generating it in the first place. It's no impossible though and even a tiny crack or gap will release it.
I don't disbelieve either those who say they can hear an effect with this device, or those who say they cannot hear an effect. By the same token, I don't disbelieve people who say that Marmite tastes delicious any more than I disbelieve those who say it tastes horrible.

I know what you mean but a better analogy would be that some people say that putting Marmite on toast changes the taste of the toast while other people say it doesn't (mostly without having it tried it themselves) and claim that those who do are deluded. :MILD:

BTW I have heard the effect of the animator without Zanash being present and to me the difference was was obvious. But then I can hear the difference between different cables... :D
problem with the marmite analogy (as has been said) is that nobody would dispute that marmite has a taste.

the blue box is asking people to accept that a technology that is hiddent from view, and completely seperate to the hifi affects the way it sounds.