For some wally to come on and then post that they can't possibly have heard what they have, how aroggant is that?
Pete, maybe I missed it, but when did anyone do that? As far as I can tell, no one is questioning what people have heard or perceived.
For some wally to come on and then post that they can't possibly have heard what they have, how aroggant is that?
the unit should be tested both on ,off, and out of the room. It would also be prudent to see if those present can hear the change as well the instramentation logging any changes.
has anyone got a suitable venue ?......
again effem eloquently put ......
what type of gear were you thinking of ?
no one is questioning what people have heard or perceived.
come on ! lets get back to a discussion on the unit and its supposed effects. Its in no ones interest just shout yes it does no it doesn't back and forth.
Look........... I'll say sorry if I've offended anyones sensibilites I've been a bad boy and I'll try not to get to sarcastic and upset those delicate little posters that have run off crying to mummy [metaphorically]
if your going to quote me don't pick and choose and make it seem out of context!
I'm with you on that....
but if you had not tasted marmite and then said you loved the sweetness ? that would be at the very least inaccurate.
tony ...and the questions I asked you ?
sorry effem....missed the comments ...
the led is in the middle of the top of the unit [you can just see it on the my photos] a better pic is here
Could be ...though I'm familiar with the smell of ozone
some of the symptoms appear similar ....thought
would an ozone device require an outlet ? the unit appears tightly sealed.
.I don't disbelieve either those who say they can hear an effect with this device, or those who say they cannot hear an effect. By the same token, I don't disbelieve people who say that Marmite tastes delicious any more than I disbelieve those who say it tastes horrible.
(nice one) wanna bet?
We can discount nuclear fusion,
problem with the marmite analogy (as has been said) is that nobody would dispute that marmite has a taste.