There are those here, myself included that would consider paying for, or even believing a little plastic box full of indeterminate substances with a blue light on it as stupidity.
Then don't. Nobody is forcing you to accept it works, even less to purchase it. The irony is, if you did actually know how it worked then you still wouldn't buy it.
Without wanting to go back over all of the old posts, I distinctly remember seeing someone mention their 12 year old daughter getting in on the act. Funny that, when someone is really trying to convince you there was a difference, they wheel in someone who doesnt give a damn either way and kazzam! they are converts too.
You know what, it might actually be TRUE?
Tell me, what EXACTLY is in this miraculous box?
I'm Donald Ducked if I know.
do you even know? yet you slavishly gush forth about it's abilities while at the same time being completely ignorant of either it's constituents or modus operandi. Earlier you said it doesnt use any known science,
When? Never done or said any of that. You been on the "home brew" again?
I would like you to tell me in detail:
The first threee I am sure you can manage since you obviously have an in depth working knowledge of the unit and it's effects. The last you can leave to us to decide.
To be absolutely honest I couldn't give a rat's petootie what the unit is claimed to do. If you really do want to know all of those things, then do the intelligent thing and ask it's maker the who/what/why/when/where/how of all it's functions - he sells it not me.
What I saw before me the day before yesterday was a silver metal puck shaped object with a blue LED in the top, sat on my carpet between the speakers and a cord leading to a wall wart power supply plugged into my mains supply. When it was active it made my music sound 'orrible, it gave me a stiff neck and a pain in the sinuses above my eyes. That's it, there is no more.
If it achieved that effect by being filled with blackcurrant jelly, then so be it.
It didn't clean my windows, it didn't strip the wallpaper, it didn't sterilise the neighbour's cat, or keep the pigeons off my guttering, nor did it repair the fence panel busted in last winter's gales. I noted AN EFFECT, no more, no less.
Now you tell me if any of that was promoting the abundance of wondrous sonic benefits this mysterious device unleashed, have I urged anyone to rush out and part with their hard earned money? Nope, I kept an open mind and reported only what I observed first hand with no assumptions, no speculation, no second guesses. I do have my own theory though which needs more research.
To me this thread isn't about this device any more and hasn't been for quite a while, it is a about attitudes. So far in this entire thread there has been one posting and one posting only that mirrors my own personal opinions from using the evidence available of how this device actually works. I am constantly amazed that this one pragmatic stab at what this thing purports to do has been ignored by all the naysayers, made by a naysayer. Why? Because it's the argument itself and the points scoring that is so attractive, not the relevant facts.