talks a load of rubbish
what a pain in the neck! 

Many, besides Pete have said the sentence in blue, the sentence in red is pure bullshit from you, I love the new Bentley, but I dont think it is a wise buy, not wise to sell the house to buy one, that doesnt make it bad, does it... :argue:
Erm. OK then.
What you fail to grasp is that £750 spent on hearsay and rather unquantifiable performance improvements is a joke next to what sensibly investing in proven and effective tweaks such as room acoustics can offer.
Two more negatives today. Wow that's doubled the negative count.
Two more negatives today. Wow that's doubled the negative count.
Well if Effem's review isn't a negative response I don't know what is!
What you have failed to grasp is that whoever buys it is firstly, is spending their money not yours and secondly, you offend them personally by criticising those same purchasing decisions, very much like taking the mickey out of Skoda owners. You are not taking the mickey out of the car per se, but insulting the intelligence of the person that bought it for whatever reasons they decided to spend their money on. I once saw a young hi-fi salesman fired on the spot for laughing in the shop at an Amstrad owner who came in to aks for some advice. Quite right too.
I have had first hand experience of this device. It did nothing whatsoever for me in my listening room with my system and even if it did, I can confidently to say everyone that I wouldn't buy one because the large cash outlay doesn't equate to the benefits in my opinion. Zanash says it did good things for him in his listening room with his system, which was paid for with his own money. I have nothing but respect for the man and far be it for me to criticise in any way that purchasing choice.
I wouldn't class having acres of sound damping in my listening room as being "sensible" either, because not only would I find it an intrusive eyesore, but the better half would have her own unique way of voicing her disapproval at having her home turned into an anechoic chamber :SWMBO:
Just when you think it can't get any worse, we see this old nugget..
well my wife / daughter / second cousin twice removed / pet rabbit could defo hear a difference...
If you could see me now I am falling off my chair with laughter..
my wife / daughter / second cousin twice removed / pet rabbit could defo hear a difference..." ?
As Zanash and I were discussing what we has heard and felt, my good lady joined us in the room and within a couple of minutes she too was experiencing a tightening in the neck sensation. There was no music playing at this point in time.
Strictly speaking Effem's report isn't a negative. He reported the unit definitely doing something ... its just that he didn't like what he perceived it was doing.
Your room treatments can be as overt or subtle and as numerous or sparse as you like. Room acoustics isn't the only 'sensible' thing £750 would buy over the box+blue led.
Shame you couldn't fall off a cliff for your stupidity
I'm sure there is a scrambling device inside some of these people's heads that uses the eyes to look at reality, then this device rearranges everything into utter tosh by the time it reaches the brain. Where does it say
It merely says:
So what petty points scoring are you hoping to achieve by your absurd comment?