[Review] Getting animated

I have actually had a sample last night of what this contraption does. In my listening room, with my hearing and with my own system it . . . . . . . .

Not saying any more for now because we are going to give it another whirl later on :p

Comes in Rhodium or Gold versions too. Coo!

I cannot see any relevance at all in that posting, not least of which it's a passive device whereas the one being discussed is an active device. Perhaps you should contact Zanash for some enlightenment because your guesswork is too far off beam
ACTIVE ultra low-frequency pulse generator

I cannot see any relevance at all in that posting, not least of which it's a passive device whereas the one being discussed is an active device. Perhaps you should contact Zanash for some enlightenment because your guesswork is too far off beam

The relevance is that, after 40 pages, no one has offered a rational argument as to how this device might function. My link is to an ACTIVE ultra low-frequency pulse generator with the mandatory "blue light".

Please enlighten me as to why my guesswork is too far off beam? The idea of a device which generates a therapeutic signal to produce a low frequency "beat frequency" signal which is applied acoustically to alter the frequency of the brain's electrical signals is nothing new. Reducing the brain's beta rhythm (14 to 20 Hz activity) to alpha rhythm (8 to 14 Hz) results in euphoria.
The relevance is that, after 40 pages, no one has offered a rational argument as to how this device might function. My link is to an ACTIVE ultra low-frequency pulse generator with the mandatory "blue light".

Please enlighten me as to why my guesswork is too far off beam? The idea of a device which generates a therapeutic signal to produce a low frequency "beat frequency" signal which is applied acoustically to alter the frequency of the brain's electrical signals is nothing new. Reducing the brain's beta rhythm (14 to 20 Hz activity) to alpha rhythm (8 to 14 Hz) results in euphoria.

Because noone has confessed to feelings of 'euphoria' when the animator is on. Those who can hear a difference notice only a difference in the sound reproduction of their system, and certainly that is my own experience. I think that a much more likely explanation (as mentioned earlier) is that the device has some sort of ionising effect and that the also previously mentioned joss stick test gives some clue as to what this device might be doing.
Because noone has confessed to feelings of 'euphoria' when the animator is on. Those who can hear a difference notice only a difference in the sound reproduction of their system, and certainly that is my own experience. I think that a much more likely explanation (as mentioned earlier) is that the device has some sort of ionising effect and that the also previously mentioned joss stick test gives some clue as to what this device might be doing.
I thought that someone said its effects were similar to that of smoking a joint. If it's an ionizer, why the quartz? To fit an ionizer into that small a case, it would need to use a radioactive element that emits ions from its nucleus. There's another similar looking device called the Hado Coaster from an earlier link). Hado literally translates to wave motion or vibration;)
The relevance is that, after 40 pages, no one has offered a rational argument as to how this device might function. My link is to an ACTIVE ultra low-frequency pulse generator with the mandatory "blue light".

Please enlighten me as to why my guesswork is too far off beam? The idea of a device which generates a therapeutic signal to produce a low frequency "beat frequency" signal which is applied acoustically to alter the frequency of the brain's electrical signals is nothing new. Reducing the brain's beta rhythm (14 to 20 Hz activity) to alpha rhythm (8 to 14 Hz) results in euphoria.

If you actually bothered to read the post, you would realise it wasn't aimed at you at all
This is just another reason why I am more and more frustrated with the whole new age industry. These types of things have been around for years, yet at no time have I seen ANY PROPER unbiased evidence that they do anything more than releive you of your hard earned (and lets face it, 750 sobs for a round box with some bits of crystal floating in some liquid and pretty blue led is a LOT of money..) come back with evidence, not hearsay, the onus is not on us to disprove it, but on you, since you are the one who is proclaiming its "powers"
we have already seen jars of pebbles, bits of nylon thread, crocodile clips with aeriels on them, cable trees, wooden pucks with magical powers, "intelligent" chips and magic wool. Please tell me when it will all end, I am geting embarassed to admit to being an "audiophile".. ffs get a grip people.
This is just another reason why I am more and more frustrated with the whole new age industry. These types of things have been around for years, yet at no time have I seen ANY PROPER unbiased evidence that they do anything more than releive you of your hard earned (and lets face it, 750 sobs for a round box with some bits of crystal floating in some liquid and pretty blue led is a LOT of money..) come back with evidence, not hearsay, the onus is not on us to disprove it, but on you, since you are the one who is proclaiming its "powers"
we have already seen jars of pebbles, bits of nylon thread, crocodile clips with aeriels on them, cable trees, wooden pucks with magical powers, "intelligent" chips and magic wool. Please tell me when it will all end, I am geting embarassed to admit to being an "audiophile".. ffs get a grip people.

I have to agree and your words pretty much sum up my feelings on the whole thing.

I'm certainly not going to outright disagree with folks who are sure these tweaks work but looking at the larger picture, I think £750 spent on room acoustics just makes so much more sense and offers quantifiable scientific and subjective improvements. That's just one example and there's many area's where £750 could be wisely invested.

I think that's the problem. Not one person, aside from Pete, has come into this thread after hearing it and said "Yep, really nice improvement, I think its a wise buy". Folks looking on glance at the claims, see the lack of any reasonable explanation as to why/how the unit works(this is very important to reassure folks that they aren't being conned), no objective data and a shady character about the manufacturer who are pushing the operating specifics as science fiction. Quite frankly I'm not the least bit surprised that its met with some disapproval but what has surprised me is more the 600 replies for a topic that really doesn't a quarter of that.

Maybe the unit works, maybe it doesn't. I really couldn't care because there's just far better things to spend money on.
This is just another reason why I am more and more frustrated with the whole new age industry. These types of things have been around for years, yet at no time have I seen ANY PROPER unbiased evidence that they do anything more than releive you of your hard earned (and lets face it, 750 sobs for a round box with some bits of crystal floating in some liquid and pretty blue led is a LOT of money..) come back with evidence, not hearsay, the onus is not on us to disprove it, but on you, since you are the one who is proclaiming its "powers"
we have already seen jars of pebbles, bits of nylon thread, crocodile clips with aeriels on them, cable trees, wooden pucks with magical powers, "intelligent" chips and magic wool. Please tell me when it will all end, I am geting embarassed to admit to being an "audiophile".. ffs get a grip people.

Well here is the other point of view: I have no truck with 'New Age' anything myself but I have an open mind (do you?) and I listen. If, whatever 'it' is makes a difference I say so, and if it doesn't I say so too. The problem with this kind of attitude is that you all have decided that 'it' cannot work despite never having listened. How 'it' works is what needs to be discovered - just because we don't know doesn't mean there is no effect.

Ffs get a grip. :MILD:
Not one person, aside from Pete, has come into this thread after hearing it and said "Yep, really nice improvement, I think its a wise buy".

Many, besides Pete have said the sentence in blue, the sentence in red is pure bullshit from you, I love the new Bentley, but I dont think it is a wise buy, not wise to sell the house to buy one, that doesnt make it bad, does it... :argue:
Well here is the other point of view: I have no truck with 'New Age' anything myself but I have an open mind (do you?) and I listen. If, whatever 'it' is makes a difference I say so, and if it doesn't I say so too. The problem with this kind of attitude is that you all have decided that 'it' cannot work despite never having listened. How 'it' works is what needs to be discovered - just because we don't know doesn't mean there is no effect.

Ffs get a grip. :MILD:

Are you seriously trying to tell me that there is some kind of undiscovered science at work here? perhaps the last thousand years of scientific discovery somehow missed the effect that a £750 blue LED can have on the passage of sound waves through the air... face it, it's pure new-age bullshit and you are falling for it hook line and sinker, the manufacturer must be laughing all the way to his (probably swiss) bank account..

I imagine you also believe Uri Geller can bend spoons with his mind... when did everyone become so gullible? I might just make something like it myself, and make loads of money off the back of impressionable people like yourself.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that there is some kind of undiscovered science at work here? perhaps the last thousand years of scientific discovery somehow missed the effect that a £750 blue LED can have on the passage of sound waves through the air... face it, it's pure new-age bullshit and you are falling for it hook line and sinker, the manufacturer must be laughing all the way to his (probably swiss) bank account..

I imagine you also believe Uri Geller can bend spoons with his mind... when did everyone become so gullible? I might just make something like it myself, and make loads of money off the back of impressionable people like yourself.

Try to pay attention and I'll explain again. No, I really don't think some kind of unexplained science is at work here (I have btw a degree in Physics). I just don't happen to know how it works. What I most certainly do know is that the animator does make a difference to the sound.

To me the gullible people are those who know it doesn't work without having even tried it.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that there is some kind of undiscovered science at work here? perhaps the last thousand years of scientific discovery somehow missed the effect that a £750 blue LED can have on the passage of sound waves through the air... face it, it's pure new-age bullshit and you are falling for it hook line and sinker, the manufacturer must be laughing all the way to his (probably swiss) bank account..

I thought the LED was a recent invention :rolleyes:

Nobody yet has said that there is any "undiscovered science" going on inside this unit, but it has more to do with "undeclared science" which is another issue entirely. I don't see either why posters on this thread are getting it in the neck for the manufacturer's shortcomings - take the matter up directly with him if it disturbs you.

I doubt very much indeed if he sells many to be honest.

I imagine you also believe Uri Geller can bend spoons with his mind... when did everyone become so gullible? I might just make something like it myself, and make loads of money off the back of impressionable people like yourself.

Why, oh why, oh why do the limp minded always insist that we AUTOMATICALLY believe in every crackpot device that comes along, or failing that we are accused of being prone to seeing fairies at the end of the garden, or having divine apparitions appear to us daily?

Well please hurry up and invent your own new age bone rattle and hazel twig sound enhancing stick then sell it to any gullible fools you can find elsewhere, then come back and brag about the millions you have made later. Until then you are contributing nothing positive to this thread and making yourself look silly in the process.
Right then, I have had the pleasure of having Zanash at my home since Monday afternoon and along with him some tweaky goodies to play with, including the aforementioned room animator.

Monday evening we put this little box of wizardry to the test.

It was placed in between my speakers on the floor and duly switched on, with the blue LED telling us it was 'activated'. Before the unit was switched on though we played my favourite test track the extended version of "Calling Elvis" by Dire Straits so we had a reference to compare with once the unit was switched on. Within a couple of minutes of the unit being switched on I had a 'tightening' sensation at the back of my neck and a pressure sensation above the eyebrows which wasn't pleasant at all. Calling Elvis has a deep bass line which normally is just below the threshold of sounding boomy in my listening room which is due to a suspended wooden floor immediately above an underfloor void. With the device switched on this latent boom turned into a markedly dominating boom and whether this was a direct cause or a side effect of that, the treble registers took on a sort of slurred effect not dissimilar to Doppler Effect, which I liken to that moment of going from sobriety to partial intoxication. It wasn't pleasant at all, so two thirds of the way through the track I stopped the CD player because I couldn't stand it any longer.

This of course is my summary of an independant view and was surprised to discover that Zanash sat right next to me on the sofa was experiencing the same effect, although he didn't notice the 'distortion' in the treble regions that I did.

As Zanash and I were discussing what we has heard and felt, my good lady joined us in the room and within a couple of minutes she too was experiencing a tightening in the neck sensation. There was no music playing at this point in time.

Apparently, my listening room is the smallest yet that Zanash had operated the device in, so whether or not that had any influence in the outcome of the test is anybody's guess. So assuming the smaller volume might be a factor, we conducted the test again the following day with the back door slightly open. Another CD track was used and again I detected a slight one note bass attribute to the sound although this time the volume wasn't set anywhere near as high as when "Calling Elvis" was being played the previous day. At that low volume level the effect was very subtle.

Those were the listening trials as I saw them. As many questions that were being answered threw up double the number of questions again rather than answers. I think it is probably generating some frequencies that are interacting with the sound from the speakers, but how that is achieved with a small fully sealed enclosure is difficult to comprehend.

Later on when I have more time I will include other tests we carried out and information such as the Behringer EQ readings we got.
Spooky. . . .

E mail due back from the stone masons later this week, Frank.
Well just to say many thanks in public to effem and partner for their hospitality.

I will concur with the effems comments .....the effect rather reminded me of this analogy. If you drink tea with one sugar, tea with no sugar is revolting ..but its still tea... but adding four sugars it also makes the tea undrinkable. The effect heard was several times more "potent" than what I get in my room [which is about half as big again].... The sense of pressure was rather unpleasant to put it mildly ..the unit was switch off and the room slowly recovered its normal ambiance.

So the next day we tried with the door to the rear left open ..I thought this far more acceptable ...though I'll bow to effem on the one note bass as its his system and knows it far better than I do. We did a number of things with the deq but I'll leave efem to make comment.

So did the unit do anything ?....stupid question, without doubt ...it was not what I'd expected at all, which just goes to prove you should not assume things !