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hi Alco

Alco said:
Doesn't your Quadraspire get a little bit wobbly, now that it's 7 shelves high ?

I'm not a proper audiophile, I tighten mine up and to hell with the experts.

Didn't you own a Sonneteer Byron CD-player recenly ?

It's in the classifieds. I've gone a bit Japanese. The Sonneteer amp's staying though.

-- Ian
Really nice Ian.

We must pay you that visit soon. What's that transparent box to the side of the transport?
You must indeed. The transparent box is full of various TT bits (record and stylus brushes, spirit level, spare cart bits). These bits work better on a decent support. Probably.

-- Ian
Ian, it looks really cool :)

Any pictures of your new speakers? I havent seen them yet.

Your wish is my command.

A shy Harbeth:


A tarty Harbeth with its bits on show:


-- Ian
OK - Here goes with mine (and no sniggering at the back about 'flat earthers'....)

Michell Orbe SE/Roksan Tabrizzi/Ortofon Jubilee
Naim 52/Supercap
2 x Naim 135'S
ununsed snaxo 3-6 (awaiting other amps....)
Linn Isobarik PMS
Sony Minidisc

Liostening almost exclusively to vinyl at the moment, so although going active would be nice I am considering upgrades to arm/phono stage, or maybe look at better supports (currently Apollo modular thingies)
Let them talk Julian. Just jealousy.

I showed your speakers to my wife. She won't have them (she commented on the curtains too, won't repeat).

Below is all she'll let me have. In fact I first got the S300/S500i combo, and she insisted on my getting the matching tuner (she'd first said the combo was too much money, then the old black tuner was not cute enough...).


and this is what I see from my listening station :


The speakers are MB Quart from Germany. WAF was OK. So was the sound.

Have you made a decision on the finish of your speakers yet ?



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Nice pictures Sir Galahad, and an excellent choice of electronics if I may say so. Looks very much like you've got some proper music on the shelves too, which is always nice to see. :)
Hi PeteH,

Actually that's the shelf where letter M ("Mozart") starts. B to L is elsewhere. I say "B to L" because in my own musical alphabet Bach comes first, then Allegri, Albeniz et al. squeeze in before old Ludwig Von B. I see they have a good Bach Cantatas thread going on. I'll try to join in one of these nights.

I'm really happy with the Nad amp. and CDP. My old speakers sound so different (in fact they sound the way they did when I heard them at the dealer's 15 years ago, driven by Audio Reasearch amps. I'm no high-end freak, and do not upgrade that often ...
Like Michael says, spend your money on CDs ...



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Sorry, we just moved in. I'll have to wait for the wife to grow tired of our current curtains, then I'll see what I can do.


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