Show us Your Kit!

Hi alanbeeb,

Only kid is 20. House broken by now.

Cables were laid inside the walls when we converted this ex warehouse into a flat. Not tempted to upgrade to fancy stuff, cables are stuck ... :)

Problem is a "nice" room is not necessarily OK for sound. Ceiling is 14' high. A small cathedral in fact. Fortunately, I'm an ancient music fan. :)
Hi Isaac,

Well, I was about to ask about that.

The S300 did get quite hot by itself, and I can't "feel" any difference now (I only stacked them yesterday, after running the units separate for 10 days).

As you may have gathered, WAF is the name of the game here. The CD + Tuner were where the CDs are now, but "the cables were visible" which was just not thinkable. :)

The two smaller units are slightly proped up, I have 32 mm above the amp. I'm currently negotiating 15 mm more ...

And note that the amp. would be further away from the side partition of the bookshelf too if ... (what's the word in English "henpecked" or something to that effect ?)
I had a rack extension built as the S300 only fitted on top of the rack and I needed somewhere to put the tv. With around 75mm above teh amp, it was getting far too hot for my liking, so the extension became a dedicated amp table with the TV taking the place of the amp.

Still not got around to painting the damn thing...

Yes, I recall seing a picture with the S300 on top. But that's the sort of arrangement I could have if I had a dedicated listening room.

Say, tell me about the marble (?) / Stone slabs under the speakers ?

What does that do ?

Nice speakers you got. What are they ?
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the curtains came with the house and as i have little female influence as long as they keep the dark out of a night i couldn't care less about their aesthetics.
the speakers will be finished professionally at some point however as above aesthetic considerations are low on the agenda as i need to sort out the better wiring, properly soldered driver connections and offboard x-overs before that.
i have put some pictures and certificates on the wall in deference to what little female influence i do have but i still have a cow skin nailed up as well which gives you some idea.

Ok, ...nothing's changed here, just another shot of my system from the front. :D
(took away the table between the system and the couch)


Just keep them camera's rollin', folks :cool:

Hi guys,

just joined and wanted to post in here since there was a fair bit of silverline-ness being shown. I've just took delivery of an S200. Nice systems guys, always like to see NAD silverline cropping up. It's a shame that a lot of listeners ignore this range. Enjoy....


Mooi systeem - 'K heb ook je posts op de Hifi Choice forum gezien. Veel plezier ermee! Trouwens, waar woon je in NL? Ik woon in Schotland maar ben in Nijkerk geboren en ouders wonen in Gr.



Exposure 2010 CD - Sanyo Pre (Temporary) - NAD S200 - Sony MDS-JA333ES - Ruark CL20 - Atlas Cables
Thanks Henk,
(more pic's can be found on or )

Ik woon in Assen.
(city of the Dutch TT-motor races, Blues,and ehh...well, nothing really.
kinda boring small town)

So,...are you also talking with a Schottish accent ?
(vind ik altijd wel cool klinken, net als Iers)

Alco :cool:
Yeah, I speak with a scottish accent. Have lived here for 19 years and only 4 in Holland. I'm over in Holland a few times a year - family live just outside Winsum. I used to go to St Maarten International School in Haren - you might know it. I used to work in a Hifi Shop in Glasgow, and we stocked Sonneteer for a bit. Didn't really know what to make of it - inbetween Arcam and Rotel sound wise, but nicely built. Runs hot too! Where do you buy your Hifi from?

Gr, Henk
Wow Alco, that's minimal. I like it.
Thanx, Mr. C :)

I don't need more than one source,
and I also like systems that are kinda minimalistic.

I used to work in a Hifi Shop in Glasgow, and we stocked Sonneteer for a bit. Didn't really know what to make of it - inbetween Arcam and Rotel sound wise, but nicely built
Well,...I traded my Naim NAC102/NAP180 pre-power combo for this (modified) Sonneteer amp. .... :rolleyes:

I got my amp from
His store is in Lippenhuizen, Friesland.
He's probably the only flat-earth audio dealer left in Holland these days.

Used to be a Naim dealer, but now Sonneteer is his pride & joy.
He's modifying the Sonneteer Alabaster & Campion amps, to very high levels.
(way beyond Rotel or Arcam imho)

I bought my Naim CDX about 2,5 years ago in Roden, at Art in Sound
Unfortunately the shop went broke and had to close about a year ago :(
(they had terrific s/h bargains)

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I've just had a look on his site - seems that he is stocking a lot of nice kit and not your usual 'Dutch' hifi brands! I think I'll try and visit the shop next time I'm over visiting my folks.

Doe de groeten aan de nederlanders en tot kijk! H


Exposure 2010 CD - Sanyo Pre (Temporary) - NAD S200 - Sony MDS-JA333ES - Ruark CL20 - Atlas Cables
About time I quit lurking and posted mine;
CD Player: Arcam Alpha 7 - fitted NET Audio MinClock and virtual disconnect power supply, Burr-Brown OPA2604s, Elna STARGET and Wima capacitors.
CD Support: RA Torlyte.
Amplifier: WAD Kit 88 - Sowter transformers, Schottky bias and heater supply rects, Black Gate FK bypass caps, Panasonic Pot.
Backup - Sony 480 minidisc, itunes on iMac.
Speakers: Dynaudio Contour, Kimber wired, Hovland Musicaps.
Interconnect: Kimber KCAG or DPA Black Slink.
Speaker Cable: Kimber 8TC.
Mains Filter: DPA "The Power" for CD player.
Mains Isolation/distribution: RA Purifierblock.
Mains Cable (CD): DPA power slink.
Mains Cable (Amp): Kimber Ref powerkord.
Rack: Soundstyle.

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