The pet hate thread

So-called teachers of English as a foreign language
Roppongi - where the above and their grubby groupies hang out
Shibuya (even Disc Union has gone)
Shinagawa - the armpit of Tokyo
Stupid articles about Japan in the foreign media (and they are *all* stupid)
Expats who live in gilded cages (except my boss, of course)
English food - sorry, it stinks
Customs & Immigration in the UK - how not to welcome foreigners (soon to be outdone by the equally stoopid US immigration service)
No obviously that isn't enough for me today as I've got some more.

Getting old, really sucks.

People with no sense of humor, most of the people in my office then.

Pubs which insist on putting Karaoke (spelling?) on, its really not funny ok.

People who correct my English! Looks its a crap language and I have better things to do than get it right 100% of the time, I mean when you have rules that have exeptions just makes me think that it just wasn't thought through well enough.

Phones, one of my biggest hates, I don't know why I didn't put this first really, I hate phones, you have to answer it then and there and have to think of response, I much prefer email or texts, I at least have chance to compose an answer.

Door to Door salesmen, NO I DON'T WANT DOUBLE GLAZING, Cheaper fuel, etc, NOW P'SS OFF!

Joies, Told you before, there is no god now get lost.

People who "beat around the bush", get to the point, ask a direct question or shut up.

People who eat smelly food in the office, look there is a place for that sort of thing, take it outside!

Illegals, why do we bother processing them, just chuck them back to france where they came from. Which reminds me.

France and French people, Ponces, sit on the fencers.

Spainish, take all of the EU money and sit around doing nothing, go to sleep for 1/2 the day, fat and lazy, still allowed to kill Bulls in the street, wouldn't stand for it in the county why are they allowed to get away with it.

Channel tunnel, just a fast track for illegals, can't see any other use for it. Waste of money / effort, why do we want to go to France for anyway?

Ozie's, cos they have a better county than us and they know it!

I think that'll do for now.
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Yours really made me laugh especialy this one. Those computers are 16 years old, surely you can forgive IBM for producing the ill fated MCA bus now?

I will hate the things until I die. I went into a company as a contract replacement IT Manager a good number of years ago and within a couple of days the Novell / cc:Mail server (a PS2/95) failed catastrophically (it was the motherboard or CPU). At the time I started there was no redundancy or backup servers so all users were unable to use the mail system.

I remember spending ages making a working box out of two other dead PS2/95s; moving the HDs, MCA cards etc across and then having to get a motor cycle courier to bring a bloody MCA boot disk over from a site the other side of London in the hope I could reinitialise this wonderful mutant I had built. It took ages before it recognised all the MCA cards etc, but I finally got the bastard thing to work. I got my own back on it a couple of months later when the thing met a skip with some quite considerable velocity.

british drug laws
mangers who insit changing there desk lamp is more important than unloading the artic full of kit for a show that starts in an hour
pubs that class smooth flow beer as real ale
young mums who insit on walking 4 buggys abreast down the street
people paying by credit card at the express check out for a bag of crisps
people who get to the cash machine then spend ages searching for there card
mobile phone users who recon the "please ensure your phone is switched off" anouncment dosnt apply to them
boy racers who insit that the entire population gets to hear/feel there music
So far it's not boiled over.

I guess that happens when people start asking "why?" or defending something.

Why the anti vegetarian feelings?
My pet hates are the people who complain about...

Those of us who drive in the middle lane ââ'¬â€œ we've paid our road tax and we will use any bit of the road that we like thank you very much

Tailgaters ââ'¬â€œ if you're in front of me and you are not driving fast enough then it's your fault

people who don't move when the traffic light changes to green ââ'¬â€œ I've got important things to do like talking on my mobile, selecting the next R'n'B track or chatting to a mate I just spotted. Anyway, the road belongs to me not you so get stuffed.

me using fog lights and high intensity driving likes and full beam headlights whilst driving ââ'¬â€œ if the manufacturers didn't want me to use them they wouldn't be fitted to the car, would they? Besides, I like having all the little lights on the dash illuminated. It looks cool.

4x4's ââ'¬â€œ they're great, good for the economy and environmentally friendly too. It's no good for the environment having all that metal and oil and stuff buried in the ground. Look what a fuss they're making about landfills. They must have dug up tons more of metal to make my 4x4 than your poxy Fiat fartbox.

people who complain about carpark dents and scrapes ââ'¬â€œ see above and drive something decent that isn't made of tissue paper and is big enough for us to see from our 4x4's.

Me taking ages to choose what I want at the McDonalds/KFC counter - I queued up just like the rest of you so it's my turn now. Besides I was looking at the other Chavs and talking/texting whilst waiting for others to be served. I can't do three things at once.

Tabloid Journalism ââ'¬â€œ I think it's really important that a reporter tells me when the risk of something bad happening goes up from 0.000001% to 0.000002%. That's double! It's really serious.

Me parking my 4x4 in the child parking space at the supermarket ââ'¬â€œ well if all the disabled parking spaces are full where else am I going to park? Duh!!

;) ;) ;) :D

Self censorship - has PC gone mad?

Self censorship before censor by your peers, the fourth estate and then the law.

A couple of examples might be ;

Should I be able to be able to criticize the latest policy of the Israeli government out loud or should I hold my tongue for fear of being branded antisemitic and incurring the wroth of others?

Should I be able to question the balance between positive discrimination verses equal opportunity when considering say recruitment policy, the distribution of scarce resources or indeed the question of All women lists for party elections?

Have a read of this Polly Toynbee comment, I think she says it so much better than I.

I strongly suggest that people don't try and "discuss" the hates mentioned by others here as the would be a recipe for disaster and things would quickly get nasty :(

ââ'¬Â¦the latest policy of the Israeli governmentââ'¬Â¦

How on earth did I forget to mention that one, I hate it far more than most of the things I hate a lot, so one more:

Sharon's astoundingly stupid wall (silly fat obnoxious alpha male with girl's name builds huge and totally illegal wall through other peoples homes).

julian2002 said:

Bloody hell, I thought my spelling was bad until I read that. Also why does he feel the need to have such big writing? Does he automaticaly assume his car is so bad that only blind people will be interested in it?

I also like the way he has not mentioned tax, MOT or milleage.

Cars like that should be crushed while their owners are in them. If the owner makes alive they should be forced to drive a 1.0 Nissan Micra with a CVT gearbox.
Couple more from me:

- people with Nokia mobiles who leave them with the default ring tone, which is quite possibly the most irritating little ditty ever composed.
- people who talk loudly into their mobiles on the train. If I hear: "HELLO? I'M ON THE TRAIN" one more time someone's going to get a kicking.

One more

Weather reports, it said it was cloudy today, right so that's why it pissed it down when I cycled home then a, don't know why I bother to pay any attension to these "predictions". Metoffice, Wetoffice more like.

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