
brizonbiovizier said:
Seems they cant shift them then to offer at such a knock down rate?

Say the man who got about 40% off his La Ponce!

The distortion spectra of the Bryston, given it's design and use of negative feedback is subjectively audible and sets peoples teeth on edge. It has nothing to do with the published THD+noise figures which are on a par with Rotel. If you follow your logic, the Bryston sounds the same as the Rotel yet costs three times as much. Utter waste of money. So glad I got rid of mine.
Doesnt matter - I am just making the point that the BLG and SME20 do not have a big disparity in original price and therefore are a legitimate comparison. Sure you got yours 2nd hand so its much cheaper - so what? I have seen a 2nd hand BLG too.

Its 10% off the original package price not 40%.

Lets see this distortion spectra you are referring to.
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brizonbiovizier said:
Doesnt matter - I am just making the point that the BLG and SME20 do not have a big disparity in original price and therefore are a legitimate comparison.
Good grief! Yes they do have a big disparity in price. Which is probably down to shipping costs, and that famous heated bearing of yours, add on a bit to give it a "high-end" price tag, and pay for a bit of advertising, and Bob's your uncle.

The Brinkmann is more than double the price of the SME 20/2A. I'm talking about current RRP, not what you may have paid, nor I, for that matter.

And another thing....you haven't heard the SME (even in a posh shop) with the new PSU. And yet another thing, I wouldn't buy or audition a BLG if it was the last TT on earth - purely to pish you off.
The sme 20/2 with a brinkmann emt cartridge would be £7k according to the walrus website. The full brinkmann setup would be something like £9k at the RRP package price. Thats 25% more, not more than double. The akiva costs more than the emt which erodes the difference still further. If you bought one I would sell mine!
Well, it's just as well that the SME is said to be better, then, isn't it? Great value for money, no-nonsense precision engineering, and no "boutique" price-tag, shipping & handling costs, exchange-rate carryings-on, or silly gimmicks.

I think I've made the correct choice.
According to the Walrus website (I've just looked) the BLG costs "GBP under review", same with the arm. I thought it cost about £12k, apologies if that's not right.
Walrus may not have the BLG for much longer - hence the under review.

Deck was £6k, arm £2.4k, cartridge £1.6k. Plus a grand off if you get the complete package. Something like that.
Are you an objectivist or subjectivist BBV?

I don't have any graphs depicting the distortion spectra for the Bryston. Nor do you. I can hear the distortion though, as can many others.

If you want to claim that it's THD figures show no distortion, I will advise that neither do they show any superiority over a Rotel integrated amplifier. You cannot have your cake and eat it.
Actually Bub, I know there have been one or two posts on the alleged improved psu but SME seem adament that it is not an upgrade. I know someone who specifically asked SME the question and the the response was that it is a revision necessitated by the (non)availability of components which may have an improvement but negligible and not by intent as an upgrade. If this is incorrect then I welcome the clarification from someone, with facts preferably.
I dont beleive in the distiction - theory and empirical evidence and perception go hand in head. I dont beleive in black and white side taking. You claimed it produces insidious distortion so I asked for evidence.
Does any of this intellectual posturing serve any purpose lads? what are you looking to ultimately achieve with this post?


Then again, its better than arguing about bloody mains cables...
Um, SME told me on the phone that the new PSU is better than the old one, reacting 300 times faster to motor speed variation. I don't suppose it's worse, at any rate.

They said the difference is audible, but not having heard the old one, I won't know.

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