Understanding words

Originally posted by bottleneck
Are they though?

Id say that they relate to dynamics and providing the sound of the instrument with a natural and life-like tone.

Chris, we had this discussion yesterday. My take on it is that the sound of say a violin is a complex waveform. In order to recreate the microdynamics and frission of bow on strings (which gives accurate timbre and life, you need to recreate this waveform accurately. IMO Resolution is the key.

Take a photo on Medium Format and then on 110mm compact and compare. Which looks more real? The difference is only resolution. Take a picture with high enough resolution and it will preserve the vibrancy of the original, in much the same way as a high resolution music system will.

Subs are still running in I'm afraid:( Later this week they will be placed properly in the music system and we will see if they require more damping. You are of course more than welcome to have a listen at anytime, just PM me.
Originally posted by LiloLee
You obviously are to have posted the above on the Mana forum :SLEEP:
I think it's all a load of garbage.

Reading hi-fi mags is bad for you, it makes you depressed. I've just read Hi-Fi+, and I feel depressed. The whole industry revolves around making people feel depressed.

I think I know the meaning of clarity.

I find reading your waffle more depressing than reading the mags.

My God, you really have been slipping recently.


Bub, it could be worse. Imagine what it must be like to write for HiFi+. Much more depressing than reading it, I would think.

My take on the language thing is too long and tedious to go into. Cheeseparing is a large part of it, however.

-- Ian
I know, it must be awful sitting there with Roget's on your lap.

Mick, I know. It's terribly tedious, I've lost all interest. Get yourself a pair of ATC active monitors and you might lose interest too.

Do you think I should buy a CDS3? Ha ha. No really?
I recently upgraded my very old copy of Roget's to a nice new edition. Veils have been lifted from my language and (contd. p 94)

-- Ian
I use one category - "sounds good to me". The rest can go to an allegedly very hot place indeed.
One of the amusing/depressing things about the Hi-Fi+ CDS3 review by Chris Thomas (who he?) was that first he waffles on about how he's been looking for a better player than his CDS2 for years, (with the implication that he wasn't 100% satisfied with it), then at the end he claims that the CDS3 has shown him things about the CDS2 which were somehow wrong, but he never realised that they were wrong. This is having things both ways. Then Roy Gregory chimes in with an incredibly fatuous, contrived and meaningless analogy about the surface of a fast-flowing river, and the hidden power below!

To those of us who have heard just where the limitations of the CD medium are, reviews like this are just laughable. The sad thing is that a lot of people may believe it.

On a similar note, a dark lordly one elsewhere has suggested that his CDS2 is now the equal of his high-spec LP12, to which I can only say 'get the LP12 fixed, Dev!'

As one plutocrat (he rips off the NHS) to another, you can easily afford the CDS3. If you can actually get to hear it teamed up with a 552 in a domestic environment, you will be astounded. Your jaw will drop etc.

The sound is awful at the shows and I think there is a good argument for the damn event to be scrapped because it does neither the punter nor the manufacturer any favours at all.

Try and listen to one and you may well change your mind.

Just think, if you dump it on your Mana, you could bore us all to death for the next 6 months.


Bub - why not try a valve pre? :) or a valve CDP :)

I think that'd be well funny if you liked it.

Well it'd make me laugh reading the posts on Naim/mana forums anyway... and even if you didnt like it you could pretend, it'd be fun just watching some faces drop! hehe

Maybe its just me being sad, but I'd love to see it.

Shame you live so far away, I'd love to hear those big ATC's. Did you get them from the audio salon in glasgae?

Even Jimmy Hughes is at it now...

In the latest HiFi+ review of the Tube Technology CD64 CD player (DAC64 internals mated to Sony transport and valve output stage) I groaned when I saw Jimmy Hughes (DAC64 no.1 fan :) ) talking about things being 'organic' and 'musical' and "not 'hi-fi'"....methinks that Jim has been spending too much time listening to our Tone :D


Not Audio Salon, I bought them s/h from a friend.

I certainly wouldn't rule out a valve pre, nor any CDP (even the CDS3), but I'm very happy with my current gear, and I think that to improve upon it I'd have to spend even more.
Re: Even Jimmy Hughes is at it now...

Originally posted by michaelab
I groaned when I saw Jimmy Hughes (DAC64 no.1 fan :) ) talking about things being 'organic' and 'musical' and "not 'hi-fi'"....methinks that Jim has been spending too much time listening to our Tone :D


Or maybe he's been listening to the odd system or 2 :D that may have caused to rethink his usual concepts :) WM
Re: Re: Even Jimmy Hughes is at it now...

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Or maybe he's been listening to the odd system or 2 :D that may have caused to rethink his usual concepts :) WM
Not complaining about his views, just wondering where he picked up those words :D I thought it was just people on here that used the term "hifi" to mean extremely detailed but ultimately dull and uninvolving...seems that this usage has spread to the hifi press ;)

Re: Re: Re: Even Jimmy Hughes is at it now...

Originally posted by michaelab
Not complaining about his views, just wondering where he picked up those words :D I thought it was just people on here that used the term "hifi" to mean extremely detailed but ultimately dull and uninvolving...seems that this usage has spread to the hifi press ;)


No Idea, at all mate :rolleyes: ;)
the purpose of all marketing (in which i enclose the hi-fi comics) is to keep you reasonably dissatisfied with your current stuff. to see this in action take a look at the naim forums writhings over the new nait 5i vs the already old and crap sounding nait 5. personally i find this kind of thing a bit what hi-fi 5 star. as for the cds3 well i'll probably never own one so i don;t give a toss. that said it's nice to know that newer = better. all is right with the world and capitalism can grind on.

Humble Apology


Following a complaint may I take this opportunity to formally and unreservedly apologise to Bub for implying that he was "ripping off the NHS" as stated in a previous posting within this thread.

I have always regarded Bub as a surgeon of the highest calibre and would readily entrust him to operate on any part of my anatomy. I also think he is grossly underpaid and that he should have his salary doubled, if not trebled.

I apologise to Bub for any distress that I may have caused him and promised that my future postings will be dry, mature and devoid of any comment which may be regarded as either humorous or offensive.

I will seek to make them more depressing than any article published in Hifi + which was the original topic of this thread.

Yours in solicitude

Re: Even Jimmy Hughes is at it now...

Originally posted by michaelab
In the latest HiFi+ review of the Tube Technology CD64 CD player (DAC64 internals mated to Sony transport and valve output stage) I groaned when I saw Jimmy Hughes (DAC64 no.1 fan :) ) talking about things being 'organic' and 'musical' and "not 'hi-fi'"....methinks that Jim has been spending too much time listening to our Tone :D


I agree Michael, it's a cop out and of no use whatsoever.

We have it seems already acertained that the term "musical" means different things to different people. A journalist's job is to expand on this, and to desribe sonic traits in manner that can be understood. Hence the reviewers' dictionary. An example is when something is described as "valvelike". I mean, what part is valvelike? Is it open and liquid in the treble, or euphonic and warm in midrange and upper bass? The descripition is next to useless unless expanded upon.

Some of these guys are simply looking for a way to make the product under review attractive to the potential buyer, not accurately reviewing. More like an advertorial to me. Can't even blame the yanks for this dumbing down, at least Stereophile makes the effort.

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