Originally posted by The Devil
Depends how you set it up.
Mick, I KNOW where the limitations of CD replay are and the CDS2 is not far from them. The CDS3 CANNOT be very much better, if it is better at all. The thing to do is a side-by side demo of the two players - have you done that?
James fair question sir,
We can and we have

(CDS2/52 as well)
I personaly don't own them, they are 'at the office' for reasearch purposes only)
Set up on both units, yes ok, We use the exact same cables and speakers and amp, for each pair, while the other isn't being used, it's still plugged in on standy by if you like.
As I'm not going going to get involved in a which is better match (I have no vested ownership grief here

Simple, If you don't want the traditional Naim sound, buy a CDS3, it is more open/hifi/airy, the drive is more in the cds2 (my view), If you are a new prospective sheep, then the CDS3 is for you, if you have had naim all you life, you may find it harder to 'aclimitise to it'
The CDS3 isn't bad, it's above average, they are better player for less money no doubt, but mags and sheep aside, use your ears.
One thing that puzzles me is the lack of SMT in either the CDS3/552, still harking back to the dark ages.
Any way, Expand your musical horizons, it's the one tue way Wm
Man BB king is rockin' this afternoon