Who's got the biggest???

Originally posted by MO!
anyone care to stake their claim to lowest low end?

My missions manage a poor poor 65hz! But if no one else is going to plant their flag on this one :D

My Beyer DT770's go down to 5 Hz :p
Cool! :) Im off to look them up in my guitar books..

Most guitar books sadly neglect to even mention Shergold; they were a London based manufacturer of rather quirky handcrafted guitars that existed back in the 70s and early 80s and are very closely related to Burns. The only well known bands ever to use them were Joy Division and Genesis (it's the Joy Division link that originally got me into them). There is a fabulous unofficial site here www.shergold.co.uk

Sorry to completly change the subject here, but its nice to see Joy Divsion mentioned :)

Twisting it back to the topic could I have the system that leaves the biggest amount of little money out of all the regular posters?

Bad english there damn it. In otherwords I mean the cheapest system.
Well, I've got nothing to proove, so I'll just post up a picture of my excuse for a weenie :p :


Anyone got/used speaker cable thinner than this in their system? :)
Counting my full-range speaker power amps, subwoofer power amps, preamp, active subs filter and phono stage I've got approximately 28 golden bottles (approx. because I can't be bothered to open up the filter).

Do I get the prize for most valves?
I probably have one of the heaviest pair of speaker stands for my "bookshelf" speakers (used in AV mode).

They are custom made of of a combination of 1/2" steel plate, 4x4" rolled steel tubing and are mass loaded with dry stand. Sans speaker, each weigh approx 30kg.
I probably have one of the heaviest pair of speaker stands for my "bookshelf" speakers (used in AV mode).

I'll take you on with that one, my stands are Target R1 4 leg stands, The metal is very thick and the legs are filled with lead shot. I havent weighed them, but they are f*ucking heavy and must be well over 30kg each
MOst kit in one standard argos extension lead @ 5(and one tv)! Any takers?
Originally posted by MO!
anyone care to stake their claim to lowest low end?

My missions manage a poor poor 65hz! But if no one else is going to plant their flag on this one :D
Well without resorting to headphones (Beyer DT531's by the way;) ), my system is flat to 20 Hz and still audible some way below that :o

I also may have the most pure class A watts at 100.

And the most number of black-painted concrete slabs :D

And not forgetting the least number of televisions (spit! spit!) :p
I suspect he has, but I bet I prefer mine to his (and vice versa no doubt).

Deep bass is for plebs.

-- Ian
Graham has the best - or worst, depending on how you look at it - ears.

I have the biggest nostrils though.

Oh, and my room has the highest paper/brick construction ratio.
me suspecty that thesey class A solid statey wattseys are classy A for firsty feww wattys only ?


The ATC amps claim only produce 2/3 of the rated output in Class A. Even so, that is some power & some heat.


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