Dev said:
I think this is the crux of Bub's argument though. If the price is inflated enough, it'll stop most of the regular drinkers from ever reaching that stage.
Right, but as far as I was aware, we were talking about raising the price of drinks in bars. Surely someone with alcoholic tendencies will actually drink more in the house? Certainly, if ones aim is to consume as much alcohol as possible on a daily basis, then it will be far cheaper to do it in the house than it ever will be in a bar.
For example, 8 cans of stella (1 pint per can) from supermarket - £5... 62p a pint. In the cheapest bar in newcastle that (apart from the student places which I cant get into not being a student) will cost £2 a pint, so thats £16 for 8 pints. A lot more expensive. Same applies for spirits. Being an alcoholic at home is cheaper - and thats necessary, because if you really are that bad, then you probably wouldnt hold down a job.
And if they overprice drinks (which presumably would have to be in the form of a tax), then many pubs would simply go out of business, as people deserted by the dozens, instead to go and have parties, or drink their supermarket drink in the street.
Sorry but this just seems like a real rubbish idea. However, its not likely to happen either, I wouldnt have thought.
I personally think, and no I don't have any facts to back it up its just an opinion, that worst damage is caused by those drinking shots, shooters or alcopop kind of drinks because you do know realise just how much you have drunk until it suddenly hits you, with pints its a slow process and your adjust so its not so much of a shot when you stumble into the loo! So I reckon for a start that a restriction should be placed on those types of drinks.
While I agree that drinking shorts and alcopops means you can drink more, I dont agree its for the reasons you say. I will admit to drinking shorts and alcopops almost all night each time I go out. And yes, I do it to get sozzled. But you definitely can control the dosage this way. I have never drank so much that I was unable to walk, talk or get home while I have been drinking this way. The last time I threw up due to drink, I had been unwell anyway. Before that, down to inexperience, but also I'm sure in part, down to the fact I was drinking pints, full of chemicals (so are alcopops, but vodka is clean), and also a very large quantity of liquid, too much for my stomach.
At the end of the day, IMO, people who go out and start trouble are just hooligans at the end of the day, and I know people like this (unfortunately), and trust me, alcohol helps, but these peopl would not need a catalyst for their violence - they were violent people anyway. I resent being tarred with the same brush when I have never had a drunken brawl yet. Why arent we looking at punishing the perpatrators more, instead of being leniant. The main thing I object to is the random violence, and even though I have gone out most weekends for many years now, I have (luckily perhaps) seen very few acts of random violence on a night out. I'm not saying it doesnt happen, and I'm not saying that a city centre is a particularly nice place to be for a sober person on a friday night, but I think its being blown out of proportion a bit, especially when you consider the sheer number of people who go out, the incidents are relatively few and far between.