The Devil said:
People demonstrate that they can't, in fact, drink responsibly. So we have to control their drinking.
This is the crux of the problem. Too many people don't know when to stop. Too much bother is caused. If affects many aspects in society.
As the Devil has pointed out, alot of hassle and cost in the health service is due to drink and drink related problems.
As I have pointed out & also PeteH, who are these irresponsible people few? One reason why it is not easy is the nature and effect of alcohol. It is a depressant. This affect the nervous system which results in slowing of responses, reaction, thinking, movement etc.
The effects vary from person to person but increase with more alcohol. This can lead, in the short term, to agressive behaviour, mood swings, violence, arguments, anxienty plus load of other things.
Anyone potentially can suffer this and people from all walks of life do.
I have seen and experienced alcohol related crime or incident. I have been a victim of it. I can tell it is not all done by so called "chavs".