Quote: Originally Posted by PBirkett Just like theres no evidence to suggest if they put the price up, they'll drink less. [QUOTE=The Devil]Actually, there's plenty.[/QUOTE] There is plenty of evidence like the Devil has said. Think about it. As Julian has pointed out, booze is much cheaper now in real terms that it's ever been. We have seen the rise in happy hours, drinks offers and strong booze. This has given an increase in drinking. Binge drinking has become very popular. To totally tackle the problems, a price increase is only one step. It need to be done with other measures such as education, changing cultural outlook to boozing and rehab for people who are more dependant on booze. The government has stayed away from big price increases but hasn't done enough other measures to keep booze problem in check. The links show some pointers of prices of booze and consumption. [URL]http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~sjp22/addiction/tat.htm#4[/URL] [URL]http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/Alcoholyoungpeople[/URL] [URL]http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/poliniticombatbindrink[/URL] [URL]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3533315.stm[/URL] [URL]http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2005/01/20542/50232[/URL] SCIDB