Windbag is worse threat than Terrorists..

penance said:
Yep, from experience.
No longer do any of it.
I would much rather a hangover than the mental anguish of a come down.

Sensible move :) I've only actually had one case of the "mental anguish" - the last party I went to, I stuck to beer, and felt exactly the same as I would have after a "bean feast", so I put it down to tiredness.

Although I might(?? ;)) sound like a total dumbass most of the time, I have a very strong mind that can fight through most stuff, so maybe I'm just hardier than the average Joe. Either way, t'was time to move on - that stuff robbed me of my ambition to sort it out and settle down at last :)
The Devil said:
Because some twat behaves like a feral animal on a saturday night. That's life. Get used to it.

that is pretty much the most assinine thing I've read. it's patronsing and offensive - it's better to let people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

you still seem to be ignoring the fact that the people who are doing the binge drinking are doing it out on the town at the weekend.

it is possible to home brew beer for a fraction of the price, yet you don't see the homebrew enthusiasts causing all health and sickness problems.

Or do you want to extend the scope the problem to filling the hospitals with mugged elderly ladies who have just had their purse stolen by thunderbird swilling chavs as well as the current problems of drug addicts doing the same?
kennyk said:
you still seem to be ignoring the fact that the people who are doing the binge drinking are doing it out on the town at the weekend.
I'm advocating an increase in the price of their drinks: it's obvious that this will cut their consumption of alcohol. I don't see how that idea is 'ignoring' the problem, on the contrary, it's addressing it directly.

it is possible to home brew beer for a fraction of the price, yet you don't see the homebrew enthusiasts causing all health and sickness problems.
Depends on how much homebrew they drink, doesn't it?

Or do you want to extend the scope the problem to filling the hospitals with mugged elderly ladies who have just had their purse stolen
You are good at asking silly, hysterical questions.
I'll continue to drive to work since price of petrol only increase by 5-10 % since the beginning of the year. However, if it suddenly jump to £7 per L then I would certainly go by public transports.
I think that there are rather a lot of things in this society that have health and sickness implications...
And usually the way they're dealt with is in a reactionary, ill-thought out way.
'Frinstance, there are a good number of deaths on our roads. And what is the solution? To make it more difficult for young bikers to get on a big bike, to put speed cameras at any location that will generate revenue etc.
The actual problem of road deaths would best be treated by folks knowing how to actually drive a car/bike! Most accidents are caused by, or heavily contributed to by driver error...
Speed kills?
Tosh - inappropriate speed kills!
And as for food additives, obesity etc, don't even get me started...
wolfie, the problem for a lot of people in the UK is that gov'ts simply havent invested in the public transport infrastructure.

Its just not possible for many people to use public transport to make their daily commute.

In Britain many suffer expensive fuel costs without having a viable alternative.

Some (such as I) have jobs which simply can't be done on public transport (sales).

Personally I have no problem with expensive beer in pubs and clubs, as long as its not expensive from the supermarket!
Weaker beer some of you are saying? What a load of tosh, that wont help. All it'll do is mean that it costs more for a night out, which is effectively the same as putting the price up, but also would probably kill off a lot of nice drinks. At the end of the day, someone can only drink half as much of something that is twice the strength. Having weaker beer will not solve anything. People will just find something that does the job more efficiently. People want to get drunk, its their choice. This nanny state wants to ban (not literally, but if they could I'm 100% sure they would) everything that allows us to have fun, cars, smoking, drugs, now booze. They want us to be a bunch of worker robots who is born, educated, works and dies. They dont want people to have a life.

And bub, nobody has said that increasing prices wouldnt help cut it down, but its alright for those who are well off to have fun, but not those less well off? Stinks of snobbery. And it still wont solve anything. What do you think people will do when they cant drink anymore because its too expensive? They will steal cars, start fights, etc because they are BORED. This can be seen on almost every housing estate around - people do crime because they are BORED!!!
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I was in out local last night and the Landlord was saying that if he puts mild on he has to throw most of it away due to lack of demand.
Shame, cos I prefer the weaker brews - my tipple of choice is Salopian Shropshire Gold at 3.8%..
Drunken louts are not "fun". They harm themselves, and others. They damage the economy, and we are all (taxpayers) paying for that. This has nothing to do with snobbery nor elitism. The well-off always have a better time than the poor. It is possible to have fun without becoming completely inebriated.

You lot really have no idea about the extent of the problem. 50% of my in-patient workload is directly attributable to alcohol.
The Devil said:
I'm advocating an increase in the price of their drinks: it's obvious that this will cut their consumption of alcohol. I don't see how that idea is 'ignoring' the problem, on the contrary, it's addressing it directly.

Depends on how much homebrew they drink, doesn't it?

You are good at asking silly, hysterical questions.

No you are advovcating an increase in the price of everybody's drinks purely because they cause trouble. a better solution would be to force them to have that injection they give to alcoholic ex footballers that makes them sick every time they take a drink.

My point is that homebrew can be had for pennies, yet you don't actually see any problems from those that make homebrew, because they can and do drink responsibly. it's convenient that you seem to have a bit of a blind spot for the fact that destroys your argument.

I'm not being hysterical. You're wrong and won't admit it.

I'd like to see tougher penalties for those who do cause trouble, proper education about alcohol from a young age, rather than implementing a hare-brained scheme that will utimately lead to increased black market activity and even more of the behaviour which English people are loved for on the continent.
kennyk said:
My point is that homebrew can be had for pennies, yet you don't actually see any problems from those that make homebrew, because they can and do drink responsibly. it's convenient that you seem to have a bit of a blind spot for the fact that destroys your argument.
People demonstrate that they can't, in fact, drink responsibly. So we have to control their drinking. The easiest way to achieve that is to increase the price.

The policeman who was referred to at the beginning of this thread is an informed professional, who knows exactly what he is talking about, as am I.

The "windbag" is (currently) you. What do you do for a living, Kenny?
Just read it:

"But the reality is that our culture and heritage of excessive drinking, combined with the relatively cheap price of alcohol these days means this is definitely a recipe for real problems on our streets,"

"There are minor assaults, serious assaults, there are murders committed simply because people are under the influence of alcohol - it is a national disgrace."

"Currently half of the violence committed in north Wales has a drink component to it.

Many town centres are effectively no-go areas after 10 o'clock at night, and simply the sight of young men and women urinating the street, fighting paralytic in the gutter is not part of a civilised society.

Aneurin Owen, director of Cais, the drug and alcohol agency for Wales, agreed that raising the price would have an influence on how much people drank.
Warming to my theme, one thing that really hacks me off is the self-indulgent British public who whinge like mad about the NHS, waiting lists, and all the rest of it, whilst at the same time filling up half my beds, and creating unwanted demand & nuisance in the A&E department, simply because they are incapable of knowing when to stop drinking.
The Devil said:
People demonstrate that they can't, in fact, drink responsibly. So we have to control their drinking. The easiest way to achieve that is to increase the price.

The policeman who was referred to at the beginning of this thread is an informed professional, who knows exactly what he is talking about, as am I.

The "windbag" is (currently) you. What do you do for a living, Kenny?

what give you the right to attempt to control the drinking of those who CAN and DO in fact drink responsibly?

yet again you refuse to look at the evidence that disproves your theory.

the policeman is talking utter bullshit. all it will do is force the problem underground. the "easiest" way is a cop out in any case. it's a typically lazy approach. far better to take an approach that treats the cause of the problem not the effect, and will actually do some good.

Or go ahead. you'll still be treating the same peoplefor the same problem. the difference is they'll have been drinking rubbing alcohol or some cheap bootlegged vodka instead, so the problem will be worse, not better.
kennyk said:
you are advovcating an increase in the price of everybody's drinks purely because they cause trouble.
The argument along the lines of "why punish the many for the irresponsible few" is an appealing one, but unfortunately it doesn't work out in practice because we can't identify in advance who are the irresponsible few - hence, as bub said above, the fact that there are people in society who aren't capable of drinking responsibly effectively is a problem for society at large. There are some people who are capable of driving perfectly safely at speeds above the legal limit and who know when they need to slow down; there are some people who are capable of responsible ownership of firearms, and know how to keep them secure and avoid accidents etc.; amazing as it may seem to anyone who has ever lived near a late-night city-centre kebab shop, there are some people who are capable of drinking sensible amounts and not injuring or making a nuisance of themselves. Unfortunately in all these cases the rights of the many need to be curtailed to an extent because of the irresponsible or incompetent few.
The Devil said:
Warming to my theme, one thing that really hacks me off is the self-indulgent British public who whinge like mad about the NHS, waiting lists, and all the rest of it, whilst at the same time filling up half my beds, and creating unwanted demand & nuisance in the A&E department, simply because they are incapable of knowing when to stop drinking.

I've never been a burden on the NHS A&E dept due to alcohol. I know when to stop drinking. why tar everyone with the same brush?
kennyk said:
the policeman is talking utter bullshit.
I think that you are merely attempting to annoy, but please point out the "bullshit", giving your reasons why you think he is incorrect.

It seems obvious to me that you really don't grasp the issues. There is a massive amount of data to show that increasing the price of alcohol in a population reduces consumption. You are arguing from a (typically British) selfish perspective.

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