Re: Stuff and thangs...
Aha, the Marco-boy knows many things...
Mail me whenever you fancy a visit to North Wales.
I know Burntisland reasonably well, as I used to have a few customers up there in one of the industrial estates. Is the old-style Italian cafe that made wonderful ice cream still on the High St? Macaris I think it was called.
TC, IMO having heard them both, it is considerably better than a CDX2. Btw, have you done anything with your mains set-up? Quite a few of us now have gone the separate dedicated spur route. You're in the ideal situation to try this with moving into a new house - unless you've already decorated!
Sensible chap. 52/250 is rather good, especially as you're going for the 'proper' full-on Naim sound generally only available with the Olive gear. The 250 should also drive your Neats better than the DNMs.
Cool, sounds like a happy ending. Btw, are you still sticking with the QS Ref?
A separate dedicated spur will help eliminate the humming. The EA-2 I'm using is deadly silent (when not in use!) even though it has an absolutely massive F!*k off transformer.
Originally posted by jtc
I've never been to Wrexham before. Burntisland is fun (how did you know I was there, by the way?)
Aha, the Marco-boy knows many things...

Mail me whenever you fancy a visit to North Wales.
I know Burntisland reasonably well, as I used to have a few customers up there in one of the industrial estates. Is the old-style Italian cafe that made wonderful ice cream still on the High St? Macaris I think it was called.
You're right about the recognition, but I quite like that it's lesser known, and I also like the fact that it is just soooo good for CDX2 money.
TC, IMO having heard them both, it is considerably better than a CDX2. Btw, have you done anything with your mains set-up? Quite a few of us now have gone the separate dedicated spur route. You're in the ideal situation to try this with moving into a new house - unless you've already decorated!
I've defected from my beloved DNM amps to Naim. - I got frustrated by the dual volume controls, lack of remote, oddball aesthetics and the continued pressure from my better 'alf, and as we liked the Nait 2 in the second system I have ended up at 52/SC/250 in the space of a six weeks (via 82), though only because the 52/SC and above is the only level at which Naim can offer what I loved about the DNM - i.e. unforced, natural and musical sound - whilst continuing that appealing Naim-ite fun factor.
Sensible chap. 52/250 is rather good, especially as you're going for the 'proper' full-on Naim sound generally only available with the Olive gear. The 250 should also drive your Neats better than the DNMs.
I seem to take the path-less-trodden sometimes, but I quite like my new (to me) Naim setup, and more to the point, my nearest & dearest also likes it (the remote makes a big difference to her).
Cool, sounds like a happy ending. Btw, are you still sticking with the QS Ref?
I only wish I could stop that bl@@dy 250 humming when the electric blankets are switched on...
A separate dedicated spur will help eliminate the humming. The EA-2 I'm using is deadly silent (when not in use!) even though it has an absolutely massive F!*k off transformer.