An open post to the forum's Naim representatives

Re: Stuff and thangs...

Originally posted by jtc

I've never been to Wrexham before. Burntisland is fun (how did you know I was there, by the way?)

Aha, the Marco-boy knows many things... ;)

Mail me whenever you fancy a visit to North Wales.

I know Burntisland reasonably well, as I used to have a few customers up there in one of the industrial estates. Is the old-style Italian cafe that made wonderful ice cream still on the High St? Macaris I think it was called.

You're right about the recognition, but I quite like that it's lesser known, and I also like the fact that it is just soooo good for CDX2 money.

TC, IMO having heard them both, it is considerably better than a CDX2. Btw, have you done anything with your mains set-up? Quite a few of us now have gone the separate dedicated spur route. You're in the ideal situation to try this with moving into a new house - unless you've already decorated!

I've defected from my beloved DNM amps to Naim. - I got frustrated by the dual volume controls, lack of remote, oddball aesthetics and the continued pressure from my better 'alf, and as we liked the Nait 2 in the second system I have ended up at 52/SC/250 in the space of a six weeks (via 82), though only because the 52/SC and above is the only level at which Naim can offer what I loved about the DNM - i.e. unforced, natural and musical sound - whilst continuing that appealing Naim-ite fun factor.

Sensible chap. 52/250 is rather good, especially as you're going for the 'proper' full-on Naim sound generally only available with the Olive gear. The 250 should also drive your Neats better than the DNMs.

I seem to take the path-less-trodden sometimes, but I quite like my new (to me) Naim setup, and more to the point, my nearest & dearest also likes it (the remote makes a big difference to her).

Cool, sounds like a happy ending. Btw, are you still sticking with the QS Ref?

I only wish I could stop that bl@@dy 250 humming when the electric blankets are switched on...

A separate dedicated spur will help eliminate the humming. The EA-2 I'm using is deadly silent (when not in use!) even though it has an absolutely massive F!*k off transformer.

Re: Re: Stuff and thangs...

Originally posted by Marco

even though it has an absolutely massive F!*k off transformer.

Marco, stop deluding yourself, this a proper transformer, and Wm's Belcanto now has 2 of them :cool:

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To be fair Tony, the trannie in the 250 is probably fine for the little amount of power that the amp in question produces.
Originally posted by merlin
didn't they just lose JW's cut?
Don't know, but according to JW ECS used cheaper internal components than the Stealth. He also told me that the heavy casework on the old Stealth made a huge contribution to the sound of the amplifier.
Mains and stuff...

Hi Marco,

Yes, I've done the spur thing - I have a dedicated Memera 2000AD 6-way CU with 4x32A RCBO spurs (6mm.sq. due to other circumstances) into 4xMK unswitched double sockets - but that may change at some point. No special earthing employed so far, so that's an option for some later date.

52/250 is yet to be setup - I'm at 82/HI/250 right now, but the 82 is (I think) spoken for, and I'll hang onto the HC for a while to see what works best with a prefix. The late model 52/SC arrives next week, or maybe at the end of this week if the banks manage to clear cheques with any degree of efficiency...

No longer have the Neats - moved on to even better speakers, far faster, more detailed and tighter - don't go quite as deep as Gravitas but overall much better - Audiophysic Virgo mkIII, single wired.

250 humming is a pain, but I don't hear it when the music's playing... saying that, I'd prefer it was deadly quiet, but then I am in no rush to change it.

Still have the QS Ref, and have absolutely no plans to ever try Mana again, LP12 or no LP12. QS Ref does just fine, and though I think Fraim is the king of the stand hill, unless some comes my way at an exceptionally low price, I'm sticking with QSR for now...

Continuing the ECS debate:

The non-regulation of the original amp is mentioned in Paul Messenger's Stealth review in Hi Fi Choice (issue 199), whilst ECS's own brochure claims full regulation for the ECS EA1/ EA2 amps.

Never mind, the EA2's better than 135s.
Well, I've only put the Mem CU in so far so the upgrade is relatively small; like going from a pair of 135s to an EA2, say. The 10mm arrives Wed so I'll let you know.
Re: Mains and stuff...

Originally posted by jtc

Hi Marco,

Yes, I've done the spur thing - I have a dedicated Memera 2000AD 6-way CU with 4x32A RCBO spurs (6mm.sq. due to other circumstances) into 4xMK unswitched double sockets - but that may change at some point. No special earthing employed so far, so that's an option for some later date.

Excellent. I'd recommend you try the hard-wired route rather than using plugs and sockets; the difference in performance is very noticeable. Furthermore, have you tried using blanks instead of the equipment case fuses? With now having RCBOs, from a safety aspect it's viable for you to do so, and the increase in performance this gives is very significant. You should also look into the earth issue. I run a single separate earth for the dedicated spurs from a series of earth rods in the garden, and this is then daisy-chained to each individual hard-wired hydra via heavy-duty audiophile-grade cable. The difference that makes, particularly in the bass, is very much worth having. IMO, anyone thinking they've 'done the mains thing' by simply having a single spur, and that anything else is superfluous tweakery, is quite frankly deluded in the extreme.

No longer have the Neats - moved on to even better speakers, far faster, more detailed and tighter - don't go quite as deep as Gravitas but overall much better - Audiophysic Virgo mkIII, single wired.

Good choice, I've heard this speaker on a number of occasions and like it very much. It's probably the only German speaker that does real bass and doesn't rip your ears off in the process. Mind you, I also like what Elacs do, particularly in the midrange and treble.

250 humming is a pain, but I don't hear it when the music's playing... saying that, I'd prefer it was deadly quiet, but then I am in no rush to change it.

Since installing separate dedicated spurs, humming has never for me been an issue. Maybe using blanks and 10mm (as opposed to 6mm) cable helps?

Still have the QS Ref, and have absolutely no plans to ever try Mana again, LP12 or no LP12. QS Ref does just fine, and though I think Fraim is the king of the stand hill, unless some comes my way at an exceptionally low price, I'm sticking with QSR for now...

Fair enough, although I desperately disagree with you about Fraim. I think its performance is completely unspectacular considering its cost. Mana? Never say never, TC; stranger things have happened... if you come down, I'll let you hear something that may change your mind ;)

Originally posted by Alex S

Well, I've only put the Mem CU in so far so the upgrade is relatively small; like going from a pair of 135s to an EA2, say.

Arf! :D

The 10mm arrives Wed so I'll let you know.

By all means do that. Btw, are you still using the Bussmans? You may want to review the situation once the 10mm spurs are in place.

Mains, continued (page 327)

have you tried using blanks instead of the equipment case fuses? With now having RCBOs, from a safety aspect it's viable for you to do so, and the increase in performance this gives is very significant.
Not yet; where does one get blanks for equipment, and is it something that only applies to power amps, or should the Supercap get 'blanked' as well? What about the Armageddon?

The fuses are uprated - 15A in the 250, 10A in the cd player - but I haven't done the 82/HC yet as I plan to sell it on and it's going to be disconnected very soon now. I'll put a bigger fuse on the Supercap when its warranty runs out (later this year) or perhaps before - depends on how Naim view this should anything go wrong.

Anyway, moving on from that, the hard-wiring is my intended next step, but the problem I'm facing is finding a neat solution to the blanking plate/cable thing; the hard work (routing the spurs and fitting the CU) is done, so really the Hydra ought to be really easy. My only concerns are cosmetic (blanking plate/cable) and how one should attach the junction blocks for maximum safety.

The non-regulation of the original amp is mentioned in Paul Messenger's Stealth review in Hi Fi Choice (issue 199), whilst ECS's own brochure claims full regulation for the ECS EA1/ EA2 amps.
The ECS web site doesn't seem to mention PSU regulation. And the top-off photo on the home page shows no evidence of PSU regulation. FWIW.

Maybe they realised their mistake (hope you didn't get one of those middle-period ECS's Marco) or maybe brochures tell you a bit more than web sites.
OTOH if that picture is of an EA-2, and it's regulated, then it isn't a 180W power amp....

PSU regulation for power amps is not a trivial exercise (it's arguably an unnecessary one though.) so it seems unlikely that it would come and go so casually.

The only problem for me with the Stealths is that blue LED... I've not seen a powered EA-x, perhaps they've fixed it.

Originally posted by Alex S

Maybe they realised their mistake (hope you didn't get one of those middle-period ECS's Marco) or maybe brochures tell you a bit more than web sites.

Alex, you're really trying hard aren't you...

Btw, the EA-2 I have is brand new. Oh, and the transformer looks as big as the one in the Bel canto. Mind you, WM has two of them, which I suppose makes up for smaller appendages elsewhere ;)


The blue light looks sexy and is subtly executed.

Originally posted by Marco
Alex, you're really trying hard aren't you...

Btw, the EA-2 I have is brand new. Oh, and the transformer looks as big as the one in the Bel canto. Mind you, WM has two of them, which I suppose makes up for smaller appendages elsewhere ;)


The blue light looks sexy and is subtly executed.


Marco, I hope those tablets take effect soon, because the 'white coat squad' also works on 3 strikes and your out :D and broadmoor's form of corrective theropy is 12 hours a day of trivista sir, I see the blue light connection though, becareful, it's the start of the slippery slope to abscurity. and that is almost terminal to an attention seeker such as yourself. Wm

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