But you have not even proved to yourself that you can hear differences! Let alone me or any independent witness. Come on! How am I supposed to take you seriously?
errrr yes I have
try mailing Alex_A off wigwam forums , he was at my place when I swapped over my speaker cables and we both noticed a large difference in presentation.
Stop assuming because you were not present that it didnt happen.
Im off for a week after my nights next week , If you are up for the challenge still I pm you my phone number.
the test system is mine (monitor audio Gr-20s , Dussun V8i amp and Esound CD-E5 Speakers) , the test cables are mine and yours (nordost flatline gold bi-wire, anti-cables, profigold bass-reflex, zanash silver things and analogue research gold reference, qed qunex , home made gothams and silver cables) . It is not a quick A/B test as I have got certain music tracks which bring out certain instruments in the mix..
let me know if you are available or the next time you are up my way and if im off work feel free to come down

(also Im not after your digi IC as I dont need it)